Do you have a “bung shoulder” that aches and keeps you up at night?
Do you get a “pinch” in your shoulder every time you go to the gym or lift a box at work?
You’ve been to your doctor a few times but all they do is give you pain-killers and tell you to rest for a few weeks and it’ll go away on its own… but Dr Google said the same thing, so how specific can that advice possibly be?
Physiotherapy at Activ Therapy is about using an integrated and evidence based approach to achieve results. By first getting an accurate diagnosis of the cause of the problem and not just the symptoms, we can effectively treat the source of your pain.
Surely there is a better way.
Many YouTube videos later, you find a stretch that gives you some relief so you can finally get to sleep. But the next morning, you’re back to Square 1. Everything feels as bad as it was again.
Sure, the morning hot shower and hot pack gives you some relief, but there’s still a heavy ache and pinching sensation every time you do something physical. You know something still isn’t quite right…
Does this sound familiar? If so, it’s not your fault and you’re not alone.We’ve helped hundreds of people ditch the pain-killers improve their sleep and regain their energy again:
No more feeling like you’re inadequate and being a burden on your family.
If you’re ready to sleep well and regain your youth and energy again, I want you to hear me out.We’ve helped hundreds (if not thousands) of people – just like you – with our simple 3-Step approach:
All you need to do is CLICK on the button below and fill out the form to Apply for one of our Free DISCOVERY sessions, where one of our Experienced therapists will listen to your story, assess your condition and offer you a treatment plan to solve your problems.(Note: there is NO TREATMENT provided in the Discovery session – it’s for you to ask more questions and see if we’re the right fit for each other ☺)
Then if you believe we’re the best people to help solve your problem, we’ll work through a treatment plan together to get you back to your prime.
I know you've probably seen other Physios and Chiros in the past without any lasting results, so I'm sure you're wondering:
"How is Activ Therapy any different to other Physios/Chiros/Osteopaths that I've seen in the past?"
This is a very fair question and needs to be addressed upfront. Now I don't know anything about other companies, but we have our own Signature System to help you achieve your health goals, fast:
We get to the source of your problem, not just where you feel the pain. We get to the root cause of your pain issues once and for all.
We work with you to develop long term strategies to not only alleviate your pain but also to "correct" your pain and find a long term solution for your problem.
We are hands-on and specific treatment techniques to give you pain relief fast - often within one or two
We don't just use a machine and leave you in the room for 20 minutes. We spend the time with you to get the most out of your session.
We help you to avoid surgeries and injections. These are a last resort and most often we help people avoid them
all together.
We help you improve your pain so that you can take less medication.
We focus on getting you back to what you love doing. Whether it's time with your family or friends, sport or work we help you regain what pain has taken from you.
We help you sleep better. Sleep is where body heals and we will help you sleep better and more comfortably.
We improve your comfort with sitting, letting you sit for longer without making your shoulder pain worse.
We work on real solutions to avoid getting shoulder pain in the future. We do this by looking at all aspects of your life and addressing the different triggers that caused your problem in the first place.
Need Help?
Our staff are here to listen and help you live healthier, happier for longer
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