All Activ Therapy practitioners are skilled in the practice of dry needling and utilise it seamlessly with other techniques to provide the best treatment effect. Sometimes referred to as "Western acupuncture", dry needling is a therapeutic technique using fine sterilised needles which are inserted into specific points in the body. This differs from various injection needling types where saline, corticosteroid or an anaesthetic may be injected and from acupuncture which is also a non-injection approach based on traditional Eastern philosophies.
There are various dry needling approaches, however most commonly involve myofascial trigger points identified through assessment and the use of dry needling to help resolve them.
Make an Appointment TodayThe evidence base for dry needling has grown significantly over the past several years and the growing list includes the following condition:
Tension type headaches.
Chronic neck pain.
Chronic lower back pain.
Osteoarthritis of the knee.
Various shoulder conditions including muscle tears, restrictions of the capsule and tendinitis.
Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylagia).
Soft tissue tears, strains and sprains.
Dry needling will be done following a comprehensive assessment of what structures are contributing to your pain and restriction. Typically it will involve the insertion of anywhere from 5 to 20 needles to specific trigger point locations. The application is usually not painful. The needles may remain for anything between 5 to 30 minutes depending on the treatment.Although relief after just one session is common, several sessions are usually required to obtain the most effective and lasting improvements.
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