Who we help

We understand that every individual is unique. With your own needs, challenges, goals and dreams. Whatever your age, ability, cultural background you will experience disability in your own way.

We also know that you live life, work, play, spend time with your family, go to school, socialise and go on holidays. Just like anyone else would. It is just that you come up against barriers that are unique to you and the right support can help you overcomes these to make it possible to achieve your goals and participate in every part of society.

We understand that every individual is unique. With your own needs, challenges, goals and dreams. Whatever your age, ability, cultural background you will experience disability in your own way.

Enquiry About our NDIS Services

At Activ Therapy we provide support for people of all ages, abilities and needs. Our physiotherapists and exercise physiologists can help you achieve your goals so that you can:

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Move better with less restriction

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Be more comfortable and have less pain

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Walk, stand, sit and climb stairs easier

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Be more independent

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Manage side effects better

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Manage pain more naturally and take less pain medication

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Do more day to day tasks like cooking, shopping, cleaning

How We Support Healthcare in Sydney Areas
ActivTherapy's Helpful Health Services in Sydney
ActivTherapy's Expert Assistance in Sydney

We are able to provide physiotherapy and exercise physiology services in clinic as well as mobile services at your home or care facility.

Our team of physiotherapists, exercises physiologist and management team understand the NDIS and get the support you need quickly and with the least amount of effort and stress possible.

Our Services

NDIS Physiotherapy(Mobile & In Clinic)

Our team of physiotherapists, exercises physiologist and management team understand the NDIS and get the support you need quickly and with the least amount of effort and stress possible.

NDIS Exercise Physiotherapy(Mobile & In Clinic)

Our Exercise Physiologists provide one to one and group exercise to improve strength, flexibility, stability, bone density and balance. Exercise can improve mood and your confidence!

We physiotherapy and exercise physiology to all individuals of all abilities.

Our team of physiotherapists and exercise physiologists treat a wide range of NDIS clients and are experienced in dealing with people that have a range of disabilities. We help provide help with:

Who we help

At Activ Therapy we believe that the NDIS has given people living with disability real control and choice over the supports to live a better life.

We also know that the NDIS system can be challenging to navigate for some. We aim to make the process as simple and easy for you as possible.

How We Help at ActivTherapy

Our goal is to provide information and service that is easy to understand and keep track of so that you can focus on what is important for you.

  1. Start by contacting our team and we can discuss your needs and decide with you on how Activ Therapy can help you.
  2. Our physiotherapist or exercise physiologist will work with you to assess your needs and identify your goals and find the best way to provide this under your plan.
  3. We provide a written service agreement for you to agree on and to keep.
  4. Once you agree on the plan and the service agreement we take care of the rest and we can start providing you the care and support you need.
  5. When required we can provide reporting that will help you and others involved in your care understand your needs and where needed apply for further funding.

Meet Your Physiotherapist

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