Why did you become a Physio?

Initially I was interested in Physio because of my love for sports. I didn't want to work in an office so being around athletes and sports sounded great to me. Throughout my time studying, I realised the wide potential and range of opportunities for Physios. I became extremely interested in being able to tackle, understand and solve complex mechanical musculoskeletal health problems that I saw in all of my patients and clients.

What do you love about being a Physio?

The thing that I love most is the challenge of understanding and addressing complex problems. My approach focuses on identifying dysfunction in motor patterns and biomechanical imbalances to find the source of your pain problem. I love being able to make real changes in pain and function for people sometimes in one session and in cases where they have had issues for years is really rewarding. Helping others maintain their functional and capacity or at times regain lost capacity is really meaningful to me, especially as I get older and experience these things myself. Often the true cause of a problem can be in a different body region to the pain. As a practitioner interested in prevention and performance, I use a particular approach to identify issues in people that haven't had an injury or no longer have pain from an older injury. If this sounds like you then perhaps the SFMA approach can help. My special interests lie in: Biomechanics. Finding out the problems with mobility, movement patterns and stability that cause a lot of our recurring and chronic pain problems as well as limiting performance. Motor control. The redevelopment of the basic stability so that movement can happen the right way. Healthspan. How long can you stay functional and healthy (as opposed to lifespan which is how long before you die.) Working closely with a broad range of sporting and fitness organisations with a special interest and experience with CrossFit, soccer and martial arts and fighting sports. ​Powerlifting


Posterior sling exercise to improve functional movements

Heel raises to relieve plantar fasciitis pain

Hip hinge against wall to improve deadlift technique

Good morning against wall to improve back strength when you can't deadlift

Bird dog to improve core stability and back pain

Banded squat to improve glute activation

Banded wall slides to improve serratus activation

Banded shoulder wide row to fix shoulder pain.


  • Sports: Brazilian Jiujitsu (BJJ), Basketball, MMA, Soccer in no particular order
  • Restaurant or type of food: Japanese food, but with a young daughter I don't really get to choose where we go anymore.
  • Holiday locations: Anywhere with a beach
  • Podcasts or music: JRE, Peter Attia, Dan Carlin's hardcore history, All in Podcast
  • TV shows or movies: Don't watch a lot but all time favourite is Braveheart
  • Hobbies: Reading non-fiction books about business, history, politics, economics, health and science.
  • Teams: Arsenal FC and Phoenix Suns

Qualifications and Experience

  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy)
  • Masters of Workplace Injury Management and Occupational Rehabilitation
  • Enhancing Skills in Paediatric Physiotherapy
  • ​DNS Course level A
  • Active Release Technique
  • Mulligan's joint mobilisations
  • Dry Needling
  • Kinesiology taping (K-Tape) and sports taping​
  • Functional re-training including specialising in thoracic ring as well as scapulo-thoracic and lumbo-pelvic dysfunction.​
  • SFMA Level 1 and 2 accredited​
  • FMS Y Balance Test certified
  • NDIS registered Physiotherapist

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