Why did you become a Physio

I chose to become a physio due to my experience of getting treated by them when I was younger from my own sporting injuries. They helped me recover and rehab and helped me get back to my sports, which I loved playing.

What do you love about being a Physio

I love helping people. I love meeting new people, I love that every day is different to the last and I love the challenge of being a physio.


Shoulder pulley to improve shoulder stiffness

Supine passive shoulder flexion to improve shoulder stiffness

Wall crawl to improve shoulder stiffness

Banded row to improve back and shoulder strength


  • Sports: Rugby League (& Oztag), Basketball, Cricket
  • Restaurant or type of food: Korean, Japanese, Thai
  • Holiday locations: London, Queenstown, Tokyo
  • Podcasts or music: Eminem, Linkin Park, Ed Sheeran
  • TV shows or movies: The Departed, Dragonball Z, Brooklyn Nine-Nine
  • Hobbies: Playing Oztag, Watching Footy/sports, Spending time with loved ones
  • Teams: Sydney Roosters, Phoenix Suns, Tottenham Hotspurs

Qualifications and Experience

- Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sports Science), 2014

- Master of Physiotherapy, 2016

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PRIV - Physio Initial Consultation

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