Why did you become a Physio

To live a healthy life is something everyone should aim for. I chose physiotherapy as it is a career that allows me to guide someone to live a healthy, active lifetstyle. Without health, you cannot do the things you love.

What do you love about being a Physio

Being able to help someone live a healthy life and them appreciating such a change is rewarding. To live pain free and functional is a blessing and with the skills and experience of being a physio, I can help someone get to this goal as close as possible. I specialist in jaw pain, Calisthenics injuries, Gym injuries and sporting injuries.


Banded shoulder flexion to improve shoulder strength

Banded shoulder extension to improve shoulder strength


  • Sports: Calisthenics, Body Building, Motor Sports
  • Restaurant or type of food: Steak, BBQ
  • Holiday locations: Asia
  • Podcasts or music: Chill Music, Listen to most music
  • TV shows or movies: Batman
  • Hobbies: Calisthenics, Gym
  • Teams: Don't follow teams, but follow calisthenics athletes and gymast

Qualifications and Experience

TMJ PainSpinal manipulative therapy

·         Mckenzie mechanical diagnosis and treatment

·         Mulligans joint mobilisations

·         Sports taping

·         Motor control retraining

·         Proprioception and balance reconditioning

·         Post-surgery orthopaedic rehabilitation

·         Soft tissue work, trigger point therapy

·         NDIS registered physiotherapist

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PRIV - Physio Initial Consultation

PRIV - Physio Initial Consultation

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