At Activ Therapy, we believe that managing chronic diseases requires a compassionate and empowering approach. Our team of skilled therapists understands the challenges and concerns that come with chronic conditions, and we are here to provide the support you need. With over 50 professional staff and 5-star client reviews, we have a proven track record of delivering effective treatments. Our state-of-the-art equipment enables us to provide innovative and tailored therapies to address various conditions. When you choose Activ Therapy for chronic disease management, you can trust that our staff will listen to your concerns and pain, and work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that supports your overall well-being.
Shop 199A Westfield Liverpool Cnr Elizabeth Street and, George St
Liverpool 2170
3 hours free parking in Westfields Liverpool Bus stop and taxi rank outside of clinic Disability access
Phone: (02) 97264491
Fax: (02) 97264482
Opening hours:
Monday - Tuesday 9 am to 6 pm
Saturday – 8.30 am to 1 pm
Early or late appointments can be arranged upon request.
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Our staff are here to listen and help you live healthier, happier for longer
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